Don’t vote for the sake of Mandela - Malema

Thaba Nchu - Vote for the sake of your children and don't vote for the sake of Nelson Mandela, Economic Freedom Fighter Julius Malema told EFF supporters in Thaba Nchu on Friday. 
“If you vote for the ANC you are worse than cattle, while Zuma has a swimming pool of R3 million,” Malema said.
“They spend millions on bicycle lanes in Johannesburg, but people in places like Alexandra don't have flushing toilets,” he said. 
Malema said bicycle lanes were a luxury and not a necessity.
The basic needs must be given to black communities.
“We want to build a clinic in Thaba Nchu that would function 24-hours, but the ANC think you only get sick during the day,” he said.
The staff at the clinic should be run by the Thaba Nchu community, he said.
Free State Premier Ace Magashule had made himself "king of the province", EFF leader Julius Malema said at a rally in Thaba Nchu on Saturday.
No tax for poor
"If you are not part of the Magushule faction, you will never be employed," Malema told about 500 supporters clad in the party's trademark red t-shirts and berets who had formed two lines as he made his entrance.
He said the municipality had to come up with ideas to help the poor people in Thaba Nchu. 
“You can’t give people money through social grants and pensions, and take that same money through taxes and rates,” Malema said.
Malema said you could not tax the poorest of the poor, because they never chose to be poor.
We celebrate 22 years of democracy, but black people still give birth in shacks, Malema said. 
“Don't think because you are black you are cursed, you need leaders that [are] going to love you,” Malema told the rally of EFF supporters.

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